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taken during the flickr klub karlsruhe meeting.
view it large on black
lighting setup:
flood light from right/behind
golden reflector from left/in front
Sonntag, 27. September 2009
bokeh scott
Christian aka ~shrewd~
twitter - facebook - my new site
taken during the flickr klub karlsruhe meeting.
view large on black
lighting setup:
silver reflector from left
Sonntag, 13. September 2009
when the sun paints the sky...
i was flashed by the colors.
And from shot to shot they got nicer...
The perfect evening for a sunset tour to the lake.
do me a favor and View it Large on Black
before / after at my new Site
this shot was taken on a tour with photovitality.
Story from this Tour:
as we finished the tour, we went back to his drive. we put our bags into the trunk, drank some water and markus closed the trunk...
... with the keys in it!
*hmpf* long story short:
After 1 1/2 or 2 hours, a nice ADAC guy (AAA) opened the door.
After that we went for some beers!
i was in bed at 1:30am midweek :-/
But it was one of the storys you never forget... ;-)